Autism Support and Care Services
At Prime Care Services we recognise that people are not all the same. Autistic people have a different way of seeing the world, and we see this as a normal variation of the human experience. This difference has a number of positive and desirable character traits, and is a fundamental part of the person’s identity.
What is autism?
Autistic people may display a range of strengths and abilities that can be directly related to their diagnosis. However, not all these attributes are always obvious. Our team of expert practitioners work tirelessly to ensure that we all look beyond these challenges and focus on the positive qualities that autism spectrum conditions can bring.
Prime Care supports adults with Autism, Asperger’s syndrome and related conditions including Fragile X Syndrome, Pathological Demand Avoidance, Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorders. We also support people who have associated complex needs including Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), and mental health conditions such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorders.

How can we help people?
People with Autism often require specialist services, including support for additional complex mental health needs and/or behaviours that may challenge. Prime Care’s specialist homes have been adapted to offer low arousal environments, specialist support and therapy input.
A holistic Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and Total Communication approach allow for increased inclusion and engagement. This approach is led by our Clinical Director/PBS Team Manager and provides our support team with access to high and low-tech communication aids, as well as best practice in positive behaviour support.
All our teams receive comprehensive internal specialist training on autism spectrum conditions. This training is delivered by specialist trainers and when available, a person we support.
No matter what the needs of people we support, we dedicate ourselves to empowering the individual. We strive to help them develop skills for life, build healthy and productive relationships, as well as supporting them to boost their confidence and self-esteem.

Mental Health Support
Prime Care provides specialist support to people with mild, moderate, severe and profound learning disabilities, with associated complex needs including physical disabilities (such as cerebral palsy), autism, mental health conditions, respiratory conditions, and neurological conditions such as epilepsy
What is a learning disability?
Broadly speaking, learning disabilities in adults affect the way they learn new things throughout their lifetime. This could affect the speed at which they learn new skills or to live independently. Learning disabilities can also combine with physical disabilities and can vary from person to person.
How can we help?
As with all of our work across England and Wales, we are committed to empowering individuals with Learning Disabilities by enabling them to develop daily living skills and relationships, as well as increasing their confidence. We focus on active listening, meaningful engagement and ensuring people lead full, healthy and active lives.
We support everyone from people with mild learning disabilities to those who have limited or no verbal communication, sensory processing disorders, as well as those with physical disabilities. Achieve together also supports people who may present with challenging behaviours, and who may present with a risk of offending.
Prime Care support services are provided with additional support via the internal clinical team including learning disability and mental health nursing, psychology, positive behaviour support (PBS), physiotherapy and a healthcare facilitator.
We go above and beyond expectations, with a positive approach and dynamic spirit. Through our ethos of person-centred care, we work to ensure that the support we provide is properly tailored to the individual, meaning that no matter what the learning disability, our specialists can help to improve the person’s ongoing wellbeing.
We want to make sure that everyone receives the attention and support that they need in a way that suits them, including residential and day services. We are doing all we can to drive quality across the sector, and we’re proud to be leading by example.
Learning Disabilities Support & Care Services
Prime Care offers supported living services, residential and outreach support and to individuals with Mental Health needs, allowing them an opportunity to thrive within a service of their choice.
Prime Care services supports people with a wide range of mental health needs including personality disorder, bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, dementia and schizophrenia. Many who have chosen Achieve Together to support them have endured a number of hospital admissions and may exhibit physically and/or verbally aggressive and/or self-injurious behaviour.
We enable people with mental health needs to fulfil their potential on a long-term basis. Once Achieve Together has been chosen to provide mental health support, individuals are involved in many aspects of planning their services which enables us to provide a bespoke plan, undertake detailed care and create person-centred relapse prevention plans. Alongside this, we measure the progress of the people we support towards realistic outcomes set by themselves, which is a fundamental part of the recovery process.
Our pro-active staff support initiatives to help people relearn the skills required for daily living in order for them to move towards increased independence and minimised support. In our experience, this not only helps to increase social and emotional wellbeing but also decreases the stigma that can be attached to people with mental health needs.